how does your garden grow?

it’s fun gardening on a 10ft by 12 ft patio. miraclegro organic potting mix has become a must need item whenever i go to any store. i still miss the community garden that never was. although it is interesting to plant with a kid and see his reaction when his seeds start to grow.

knitta what? knitta who?

after countless years of failed attempts at graffiti (and getting caught, and being questioned at the police station, and large fines…) i came to my senses. i was not good. after three minutes my index finger would become numb and useless. i love it, but i’m a better spectator and admirer than actual painter. so my soul was a bit crushed. was i to keep my creativity within my own walls? hmm, well, no. a couple months ago i learned to knit. soon after i was introduced to yarnbombing. my little rebellious, artistic heart was filled. although i never imagined that a person would actually get offended by knitted installations as they would pieces or tags. but then again, i didn’t take into account that i live in the oregon district. half snooty old, by the book historic bastards and half young, optimistic, people with lots of ideas and lots to give. so one installation was put up. cool, urban nights…newly coined ‘art district’…hipsters…bikes & coffee. several few short weeks later this piece was destroyed in an attempt to remove it. (side note…not even twenty feet away are there b.s. tags and like, five james brown stencils) so, i got the call, grabbed my pieces and met up with the other ladies. we re-installed on  the initial spot, as well as i think five or six more pieces close by. (we don’t die, we multiply attitude that we have…) next morning, boom, one already down.

okay, so maybe we are just diluted into thinking that this is all well and good. maybe these are atrocious little monsters de-prettifying this drunken street. i’ll let you be the judge…

so, do any of you readers think of these as offensive? do you see them and want to bang your fist on a desk yelling ‘i MUST tear these down!’? or are they actually a little brightness to objects that you would otherwise walk by without notice?

(also, i love james brown. no disrespect to him as a man or a stencil.)

(since writing this, we got the okay to continue…yes!)

buona sera

someone wanted to say hello.


chatty cathy & puppets.

everyone i know is aware of my love of dolls. i have a pretty extensive collection that spans barbie to voodoo-esque, hand-made to marionettes. the older and creepier, the better. handmade makes my heart happy. my collection of vintage, original barbie clothes (including the solo in the spotlight dress and the first black & white striped swimsuit) are some of my most prized possessions. here are just a select few of them for all to enjoy!

a special thanks to my family for supporting my doll habit. and an extra special thanks to my aunt laura for handing down some of her dolls to me.

i hope that eventually my son will have a daughter who will love them as much as i do! xox

one drawback to ohio…

no oceans. no beaches.


our treasure

our neighborhood is having its annual garage sale this weekend. i decided to participate not so  much to make some extra money but to clear out my house a little bit. (please, don’t call the producers of the show hoarders…) after googling different things about garage sales, i came upon a picture that inspired me to not just toss a bunch of stuff on a table, but to actually make it look cute! (and i absolutely want to do this for my personal use on my vanity…so adorable)

from the good housekeeping website. click photo for their garage sale tips!


 here’s my pre-set up. um, yeah, PRE set up!

what’s better than cleaning out your house AND making a little money? oh yeah, shopping other people’s garage sales! so, if you’re in dayton, come to the oregon district this saturday morning for sales across the neighborhood. happy shopping to all…

get by with a little help

okay, i am a television addict. i’m not that person who ‘doesn’t own a tv’. i also dabble in reality television and other awful programming, but a certain conversation has come up a few times recently with friends. what happened to all the good television? i miss the days when nick at nite played great 70’s shows then ventured into the 80’s, which brought back all my adolescent obsessions with scott baio and winnie cooper. so here’s a little list of shows that i miss dearly. (so dearly that a friend and i gave consideration to starting our own network…)

first is mary tyler moore. but in all fairness rhoda was always my favorite. a friend and i would always wonder why everyone loved mary when rhoda was so much cooler. i mean, the scarves, the attitude, the accent. she ruled as did her show. julie kavner (mrs simpson) as her sister and her mother was great. still slip in a heya every now and then.

second taxi. good lord how great was this show? danny devito. tony danza. judd hirsch. christopher lloyd. and of course…andy fucking kaufman as the absolutely wonderful latka. (and his girlfriend, simka, played by adorable carol kane.) i miss this show, i miss the theme song, i miss it all!

okay, yeah, third is charles in charge. the main reason i chose this show was that since pretty much all these people have ended up looking like complete jerks on random vh1 show, i would like for this generation to see where these crazies actually came from! especially willie aames. yikes, total cuckoo. but to be fair the show was great fun.

and now one of the best love stories ever on television. kevin arnold and winnie cooper. i LOVE love love this show. from the characters to the situations to the soundtrack. i thought that kevin’s sister was the coolest chick ever and i wanted to be her so badly. unfortunately the wonder years is not only not being aired on television but after previous research, they haven’t aquired the rights to all the music that was in the show so it’s also not available on dvd. super bummer.


yes finally, dukes of hazzard. i’m not sure why i love this show so much when i was young, but i did. i had daisy duke under-roos.

i suppose i’m just sad at the lack of creativity in film and television now. it’s all remakes and prequels. i guess i would just rather them play the originals then try to remake something. hmm. so i know i missed some great shows from back in the day. everyone had their favorite. if you would like, i would love to hear your favorites. (just in case it’s something i forgot and can add to my netflix queue!) have a good night, watching, well, nothing great! xox

you say it’s your birthday…

wondering how i can lighten up the bloggage….oh yeah, cake!

in celebration of a certain awesome girl’s 9th birthday today (happy birthday, milla!) and another birthday coming up this saturday (ahem, mine…) i decided to not only celebrate birthdays, but the birthday cake. in my opinion, there’s nothing better than cake. i may not even like you, but if you invite me to a birthday party with promises of cake, i will be there lip-synching along to the birthday song before you blow out your candles. i don’t discriminate when it comes to cakes. i don’t care if it’s the fanciest thing you’ve ever seen or just in a 13×9 pan. although i do prefer homemade, but i won’t fault those who use mixes. (oh, and homemade icing is ridiculously easy, just saying) i grew up having wacky cake with panucci icing at every single birthday party. simple cake simple icing and absolutely delicious. yet after having my little dude, i have stepped up my baking/decorating skills.

this was his bumblebee cake from this past april. (this photo was taken before it was totally finished) yes, i’m that idiot that watches ace of cakes and thinks ‘hmm, i could do that’ and that actually takes into account that her son says he wants a transformers cake. ugh, not very easy, at all. but still fun and it made him happy, so i guess it was worth it. i also found some other fun cakes that i, unfortunatley, did not make.

(psst…my birthday is saturday and i love pirates…)

what 14 year old girl wouldn’t love this? and what mother wouldn’t want to serve this at said 14 year old’s party?

i also celebrate reagan’s birthday every year. what? you don’t? i guess you just don’t love america.

that’s about all for now. i won’t go into the history of the birthday cake or any nonsense like that. but just know that everyone loves cake and that when having a party make sure you have enough for all guests. and if you ever need a recipe for buttercream or a semi-simple cake, just ask. i might be able to help you out.

boycott bp? no way…

there seems to be a backlash when it comes to boycotting bp. you know… bp stations are franchised and the owners of these stations are the ones who are actually the ones losing money and are not able to feed their families. really? they are the victims? well let’s see, 43 days. millions of gallons. i suppose the 11 workers that were killed when the rig exploded are less of a concern? maybe the men who made their living and fed their families by fishing matter less than the proprietors of these stations. oh, but wait…these fishermen are being compensated by bp. they are going to pay them to help clean up! win-win situation, right?

well, i could give a damn. i will not buy bp. i know i will not put them out of business. that’s fine. my $20 spent at the pump every couple of weeks isn’t going to hurt them. but i refuse to buy bp. i think it’s absurd that a person’s choice to avoid bp is being questioned. my concerns are with the men that make their money in the gulf (sorry, sir, can you go ahead and pull up that crab trap…it’s contaminated). with the friends i have that live on the coast that is soiled (remember the beach? sorry about that.). with the little aquatic animals who are choking on bp’s fuck up (yep, i actually like animals). so, to those of you who question a person who doesn’t buy bp, i’m sure that you will make up for us. thanks, i guess?


i’ve been a horribly lazy blogger. my apologies. and, well, tonight will be no different.

but i just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful holiday (and hopefully 3 day weekend…). here’s a little, beautiful song that i remember from my childhood. my aunt laura always listened to the best music (i loved the sugarcubes when i was 8 years old…). this is fairground attraction and they’re adorable and sweet. happy holiday!